‘Kryptonite’ is the famous word
when people think of Batman taking down Superman. However, the DC writers never
actually gave any explanation as to what Kryptonite actually radiates out and
how it damages Superman instantly. Secondly, when it comes to Batman defeating Superman,
things must be considered under the limitations of scientific realism.
Something which is unrealistic or not even being close to any scientific
plausibility must not be considered; as Batman relies solely on scientific laws
and patterns of reality to stand among gods of Justice League. In this post, I
will discuss a very effective way of taking Superman down which does not
involve that piece of scientifically unrealistic rock.

Defeating Superman with
kryptonite is very childish act because even a kid holding a kryptonite can
easily bash the man of steel. Obviously, this method does not suit the genius
personality of the Dark Knight for which he is counted among superheroes. So
from Batman’s scientific perspective, we will analyze the man of steel as to
find a way to take him down.
To keep things “scientific”, we
will not consider anything which does not have any value of scientific
plausibility. And because Superman in comic books exists within the realm of
reality, he must confine to the laws of universe. Therefore we will first try
to define Superman in scientific terms.
Superman is any person with
following traits:
1. Super
Strength: The foremost identity of Superman is his super strength. The value
of force which Superman can apply by his bare hands in assumption must exceed
significantly from any human being. This will surely make Superman break strong
pieces of metal and push super heavy objects. For proper designation of his post
as a “Super Hero”, we consider that Superman’s physical strength exceeds the
strength of any man found to be strongest in the whole world. What we don’t
consider is that while punching, he can move his hand nearly up to speed of
light. That requires an infinite amount of energy. Anywhere close to that limit
is also not permitted because still the amount of energy required to reach that
level is immensely high and considering the situations of Superman, there is no
way he can gather such energy.

2. Super
Speed: Again excluding all the vicinity of speed of light limit, we
consider that Superman can move/run at a speed significantly greater than any
fastest runner on earth.
3. Super
Durability and Tolerance: This includes pressure tolerance capacity and
high heat resistivity. We consider that the pressure tolerating capacity of Superman
is not higher than that of any hardest substance known to man. For example
lifting and tolerating the weight of a complete airplane filled with passengers
as shown in the movie is not permitted because a 6 feet tall person purely made
out of Graphene (the strongest material known to man) might be able to do it.
After all Superman isn’t made up of Graphene at all. However, his body can
still tolerate a pressure significantly greater than any human’s body can do.
He can also tolerate high temperatures but for the limitations realism, we
assume he cannot withstand temperatures higher than 3500o C – The
melting point of Carbon. Because he is a living being, presumably there must be
a lot of carbon content in his body, so that is the limit.

4. Flight:
Now, weightlessness as proposed by DC is scientifically not a good explanation
for Superman’s ability to fly. Modern jet planes use thrusters to get both an
upward lift and forward push. In his natural body, there is no mechanism for Superman
to get these two forces so as to fly. So we assume Superman cannot fly.
However, taking into consideration his super strength, we assume that he can make
extremely long and high jumps which could be counted as minor flights. In fact,
the early versions of Superman comics showed him taking long leaps.
5. Heat
Vision: DC Comics does not give any mechanism of Superman’s eyes. We consider that
because laser guns capable of burning the target and raising the temperature of
target to a very high degree are already present, there is a technological
plausibility that someone’s eyes can have laser guns installed in it, given
that those are highly advanced with mechanism of working existing with a
dimension of few nanometers.

So this was the definition of Superman.
Now for any person to attain these traits, it is impossible for him to have a
biological structure anywhere similar to that of humans. Plus, the main source
of Superman’s power is Solar Power. Stories show that a long time without food
does not bother Superman as long as Solar Power is available to him. Now for a
person to depend upon Solar Energy and possess such super traits, there is no
way his metabolism would match anywhere to that of a human being. However,
plants work on photosynthesis in the presence of Sunlight. But to attribute Superman
to be dependent on photosynthesis isn’t going to solve the problem because
photosynthesis is a very slow process as well as very inefficient. The amount
of energy he requires to perform all these super tasks is not enough from
photosynthesis. There is no way his body will sustain itself on any
photoreaction process.

There is only one known efficient
way to harness good amount of energy from solar power. It is called “Photo
Electricity”. Although modern solar batteries are not efficient enough but
scientists do predict that with the development in Nano-technology and Nano
solar cells, solar power will significantly take over the traditional fossil
So to consider Superman’s
physical structure, we assume that he produces solar electricity in his little
body cells. Our cells work on chemical energy in which oxidation takes place.
But for Superman, his body must produce electric current using pure sunlight
within the cells. These cells act as Nano solar cells which as per the
prediction are really powerful compared to present day engines. This at least
in theory does give a good explanation to Superman’s super traits. The electric
current produced within the body cells surely has a huge power output compared
to the cells of human beings.
Since Superman’s body cells act
like Nano sized solar cells, it is obvious that he might also be having some
storage mechanism just like our body stores energy in the form of fat. The body
of Superman must have little cellular parts which act like batteries just to
give a back-up during darkness.
And there comes the BATMAN.
Analyzing all these facts, he
realizes that there could be two ways to destroy Superman which do not require
The first way is to keep Superman
in darkness till his body drains out of back-up energy. This way is not that
reliable because it will take a lot of time for Superman to feel low in his
batteries, while in meanwhile, he can find a way out. Obviously to exhaust Superman’s
batteries, time required is greater than a complete night. So this method is not
worth opting for.
Batman in his Batcave notices
another weakness of man of steel. He realizes that the body cells of Superman
are producing electric currents. And to attack these current will actually
disable Superman instantly. The only way to disrupt a continuity of electric
current is by using high magnitude fluctuating magnetic field. In fact it has
been shown in experiments that our brain – an organ which works by using minute
electric current – can be made to dysfunction temporarily when kept under
strong fluctuating magnetic field.
So keeping that in mind, Batman
prepares an arena. The arena is such that it is kept completely in darkness and
the floor is capable of producing high magnitude fluctuating magnetic field. He
calls Superman to this arena by any relevant means. The moment Superman lands
his feet on the floor, batman triggers the magnetic field. And Superman falls
down instantly like he does before kryptonite. His body is not working properly
as the current production has been disrupted. Superman is feeling highly
intoxicated and is unable to speak. He looks at Batman standing tall near him.
And then starts the epic fight.
The assault by the Dark Knight is now unbearable by Superman and he finally
tries to beg Batman for his life. Now I think at this point, it becomes more
epic for that famous Dark Knight Returns dialogue by Batman to Superman to be
“You're beginning to get the
idea, Clark. We could have changed the world…now…look at us…I've become a
political liability…and…you…you're a joke. I want you to remember, Clark…in all
the years to come…in your most private moments…I want you to remember…my
hand…at your throat…I want…you to remember…the one man who beat you.”
So here we go folks! Science wins
again. A simple man with no superpowers possessing intellect beats the
strongest man in the universe by all legit means without even using kryptonite.
Although people argue that Batman’s victory is only situational. I object
because look at the two opponents. One is a man transcending all human
limitations and other is just another simple human being. It is impossible for
Batman to defeat superman anywhere. Conditions do apply. But the best part is
that Batman does it without the traditional method used by the enemies of
Superman i.e. kryptonite.
I wrote this post just for the
purpose of entertainment. And I hope DC should include this kind of stuff in
their upcoming movie Superman vs. Batman so that things should make more sense
and look more realistic. What do you guys think??? Please leave comments below